OK – its here – never mind the upcoming WTS in Leeds or the Tour De Yorkshire coming our way – this is what you have been waiting for – yes its the T3 Summer Series…
Its sooo big – we’ve even given it its own link on the web page!
The first race in the series is going to be the Tadcaster Triathlon on May 2nd- well it seems a good place to start – the rest will be made up as I go along – no I mean will be a well balanced and structured series of races with a fine balance of swimming, cycling and running – and in no way will be biased towards my own strengths/weaknesses…
Don’t forget as a member of T3 you can get a massive £10 discount off the entry fee for the Tad Tri – so if you are not already a member make sure you join up first and we’ll send you the secret code!
So stop reading this – go get out and do some training (there that was my bit of motivational speaking) and I hope to see you during the Series…