T3 Statement on COVID-19 and how it will affect club activities
We are all aware of the fast-evolving issues affecting us from COVID-19.
As a result all organised triathlon activity has been suspended with immediate effect until at least 30 April.
Many of you who have upcoming events in the next 4 months (or beyond?) will have seen communications advising that all events have either been cancelled or postponed – from weekend Park Runs to the World Triathlon Leeds in June. Essentially, the government’s advice on all mass gatherings has been followed.
As a Club we have received an email from British Triathlon seeking our support as we all navigate through this most challenging time. As an affiliated Club they have asked that we suspend all “face-to-face meetings, events (including social), camps and training groups, at least until 30 April”. Their actions after this date will depend on how the situation changes and further advice from the government and relevant bodies.
In light of the unprecedented and rapidly changing circumstances we are all faced with, I am therefore sure you’ll agree it is essential the Club and its Members respect this guidance and plays its part in taking the necessary steps to help protect the health and wellbeing of its Members and of course our family, friends and the wider community.
Unfortunately, this means that all Club activities are either cancelled or postponed from now until further notice, but we will keep you updated with plans going forward as the situation becomes clearer.
This does impact both the upcoming summer series and the final event if the winter series as follows:
- The Summer Series has a large number of third-party events (Ripon Triathlon, Leeds Triathlon, running events) and all are beyond our control, but are highly likely to be rescheduled or cancelled (if not already). Amongst that we also have T3 training events (York Sports Village, Open Water sessions and a number of timed cycle rides around Bramham) and there is little opportunity to defer our own activities to later in the year. It therefore seems sensible to cancel the formality of the Summer Series and arrange activities as the opportunities appear. The Committee will keep an eye on things and inform Members as the situation evolves.
- The Winter Series only required the conclusion of the final pursuit race. However, this cannot now take place due to the social distancing advice and it may prove impossible to defer to later in the year. Therefore, dependent upon any restrictions imposed by the government a self-timed run up to the end of April will be accepted but, we must stress that it is the responsibility of each individual Member to properly comply with the government guidance or rules in force at the time. If between now and the end of April it proves that self-timed runs are just not going to be possible for the Members then scores accrued prior to the ‘weather close down’ will apply. Or it may be possible to extend the window to say May/June? We will inform you at the time.
In these uncertain times there’s still a load of things we can do to keep ourselves active and feel part of a Club, whilst still social distancing. It would be great to hear some suggestions, on here, through the WhatsApp group (or by emailing tadtri@gmail.com). I know you’re a creative bunch so let’s hear them…
It looks like we’re in for a protracted year of personal and sporting disruption but the priority has to be you and your families health. We will endeavour to maintain contact with Members and let’s all hope we get back to some kind of normality as soon as possible.