You can now renew your T3 membership for 2017…
We have added some new options this year. We have kept the basic membership at £15.00. This entitles you to attend all the coached swim sessions, take part in club events, take part in the Winter & Summer Series, access to the T3 WhatsApp group and most importantly be part of the best Triathlon Club in Yorkshire!
If you regularly ride with our partner club – Cyclesense on their Sunday morning / Tuesday evening / and now Thursday evening rides. I am sure they would really appreciate if you can include their membership too (just add an extra £15) This will enable you to take part in their summer time trial series too and get invites to all their social rides etc..
We have also just received confirmation from Tad Harriers that you can also add a Harriers membership (just add an extra £10) which will entitle you join them in their training sessions on a Tuesday evening and to take part in the York Road Race league (although you will still need a race licence to run as an individual and Harriers club colourrs in the races)
England Athletics Licence is an add on which will give you discounts into various running events and gives you access into some restricted races
Both Cyclesense and Tad Harriers are great clubs to be a part of and its great that we can all team up and train together – all monies will be passed on directly to the individual clubs.
Please can you make all payments direct to our T3 Bank account.
Additional Notes
Existing Members have until the end of January 2017 to renew their subs (otherwise you might drop off WhatsApp temporarily – and you wouldn’t want to miss out on whats going on would you?)
Half Fees for T3 membership – for those who join after 1st July 2017
Quarter Fees for T3 Membership – for those that join after 1st October 2017
Anyone who joined in the second half of 2016 – only have to pay half fees for 2017.
Those who have only just joined up in Nov & Dec get T3 membership FREE for 2017.